Forward Care Home Health Ltd , locally owned & operated (South Canterbury) for almost 30 years By Rodney & Sharon Morton (NZ RN/Masters of Health Science - Gerontology).
Forward Care has three Registered Nurses, and office hours contact is 8am-5pm Monday to Friday.
A Registered Nurse is usually on call for any after hours or urgent contact.
Call 03 688 1643 or email
Access To Services
Needs Assessment Service Co-ordination - Te Whatu Ora South Canterbury.
Phone: 03 687 7120
Lifelinks - Whaikaha
Phone: 03 741 6370
GP - ask your doctor or GP practice
If you would like to access services provided by Forward Care please make contact with one of the options above. Alternatively you can contact our office on 03 688 1643 or and we would be happy to help with the referral process.
Proudly Locally Owned and Operated since 1995
Forward Care Home Health has been caring for the South Canterbury community since 1995. Founded by Sharon Morton (RN, MHSc) and her husband Rodney.
Now run with the help of their daughter Anna Karlsson (RN), Forward Care reaches and cares for almost 300 members of the community in their homes providing personal care and domestic assistance to allow people to live with freedom, confidence and dignity.
Our Services
Complex Care
A REGISTERED NURSE will visit with you and develop a detailed and individualised care plan with you. This describes service provision and tasks
This care plan is read by support workers and is their guide of tasks support.
This may include but is not limited to: shower assistance and hygiene needs; mobility and transfer assistance; medication supervision; meal and nutrition preparation and oversight; dressing, undressing and grooming assistance.
Non-Complex Care
This generally includes basic household management such as: cleaning floors and vacuuming; laundry tasks; changing and making bed; tidying; cleaning kitchen, bathroom and toilet.
A Registered Nurse Co-Ordinator (Sue, Anna or Sharon) will visit you to review and update your care plan at least every six months or when your needs change. For those with more complex needs more regular reviews occur.
Job Opportunities
We are always looking for new Registered Nurses or Support Workers. We are very flexible and have a variety of options.
Please contact to express interest in working for us.
Our People
CEO/Service Manager (RN)
General Manager/Clinical Services Manager (RN)
At Forward Care Home Health we ensure our primary focus is on you, your whanau and your family.
Please note that this practice is contributing to, and accessing healthcare information from HealthOne -
What is HealthOne?
HealthOne is a South Island based secure electronic record that allows registered healthcare providers directly involved in your healthcare, to quickly access information such as your test results, allergies, medications, GP summaries and hospital information. HealthOne strictly adheres to the principles of the Privacy Act 2020 as well as the Rules set out in the Health Information Privacy Code 2020. Access is only possible via an approved highly secure healthcare information network which is regularly audited and tested. Privacy auditing is used to check that only those directly involved in your care are accessing your information. To find out more about HealthOne please visit Please note that you are entitled to restrict the sharing of your healthcare records by contacting 0508 837 872 or emailing